Page 9 - AmChamGR - Annual Review 2021
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• Ensuring the government and relevant government AMCHAM SPECIALIZES
agencies are fully informed on our members’ priorities AmChamGR draws upon the expertise and experi-
• Identifying pivotal policy points and putting forward ence of its members to create specialized sectoral
policy proposals designed to enhance Greece’s committees that bring together business leaders,
global standing and reputation specialists and experts from across a variety of in-
• Providing thought leadership on emerging opportu- dustries and disciplines to share knowledge, develop
nities and current business and economic trends new initiatives and advance the interests of the mem-
ber companies. Committee activities include targeted
advocacy work, focused events and actions, special-
AMCHAMGR ORGANIZES ized reports, as well as policy analysis and develop-
AmChamGR is a leading force in creating, adminis- ment of policy proposals, including proposing chang-
tering and hosting business and industry-specific es to draft legislation prepared by the government.
events, at all levels and scales, including some of the Committees also aim to supply AmChamGR member
oldest and most prestigious events in their respective companies with useful information and advice in their
fields in Greece and the wider region; these include: respective areas of expertise.
• Major conferences and forums with keynote speak-
ers and participants that include prime ministers, for-
eign diplomats and dignitaries, senior government of-
ficials, industry leaders, policy experts and think tank TRADEUSA
analysts, thought leaders, and other stakeholders
• Hellenic pavilions at leading global exhibitions Established in 2013, TradeUSA is the international
• US pavilions at major international exhibitions in trade department of the American-Hellenic Chamber
Greece of Commerce. Through a multitude of actions and
• Business delegations and trade missions to and initiatives, it provides invaluable information, insight,
from the US as well as other countries in the wider support, and guidance to Greek companies seeking
Southeastern Europe region to successfully enter and/or further expand their ex-
• Investment Roadshows in the US, organized in co- port opportunities in the US market. TradeUSA regu-
operation with the Athens Exchange Group larly organizes targeted workshops and seminars for
• Open and closed B2B and B2G networking events aspiring exporters in cities across Greece, in collab-
oration with local authorities, and also provides one-
on-one consulting services, including on regulatory
AMCHAMGR PUBLISHES compliance with the FDA. Through a host of trade
AmChamGR publications are one of the Chamber’s missions, exhibitions and B2B meetings, it creates
foremost interface tools and include a number of reg- networking opportunities to bring Greek exporters to-
ular as well as ad hoc publications. Regular publica- gether with US importers, distributors and buyers. In
tions the Annual Review, providing an overview of the 2016, TradeUSA also launched the annual ExportUSA
Chamber’s activities; the Directory, an annual index of Forum, which is the only forum in Greece focusing
the Chamber’s members that includes an overview of solely on exporting to the US market.
business and economic developments as well as es-
sential information on doing business in Greece and
the US; and Business Partners, a bimonthly magazine
with specially curated content for and about Cham-
ber members. Other publications include sectorial
and informational whitepapers and targeted toolkits
and guides.