Page 10 - AmChamGR - Annual Review 2021
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10                                                                                ANNUAL REVIEW 2021

            2021 Highlights

            Quality Internship Guide                              Startup Toolkit v.2
            On February 3, 2021, AmChamGR’s Employment            On April 15, 2021, AmChamGR’s Education, Innova-
            Committee proudly launched its much anticipated       tion and Entrepreneurship (EIE) Committee proudly
            Quality Internship Guide, a special publication de-   launched the second edition of its highly successful
            signed to highlight the importance of internships and   Startup Toolkit, a focused publication that aims to em-
            promote dialogue among stakeholders, academia         power young  and aspiring  entrepreneurs  as  well  as
            and  business  in  order  to  effectively  bridge  the  gap   strengthen and develop the startup community’s busi-
            between the education and business communities.       ness skills by examining key topics in entrepreneurship
            Launched in cooperation with the Athens Exchange      and providing key information and insights. Launched
            Group (ATHEX) and EY, the Quality Internship Guide    with the support of NBG Business Seeds, the Toolkit
            aims to underline the crucial role of quality intern-  aims to help prospective and up-and-coming entrepre-
            ships, as much for young people and their success-    neurs, whether still post-graduate students or young
            ful entry into the job market as for companies in their   professionals, access crucial knowledge, broaden
            efforts to recruit and develop young talent that can   their perspectives, save time and money, avoid frustra-
            grow to effectively contribute and create added value   tion during the early stages of their endeavors and kick
            for their organizations, and to encourage the wide-   off their ventures armed with information and skills that
            spread adoption and implementation of quality intern-  can help them steer their course to success.
            ship programs as standard practice in Greece.
                                                                  Access the Startup Toolkit online (in Greek) at am-
            Access the Quality Internship Guide online (in Greek)

                                                                  Virtual Economic Trade Mission to Greece
            MOU with the Greek Manpower Employment                The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
            Organization (OAED)                                   proudly partnered with the DC Chamber of Com-
            In a memorandum of understanding signed on Febru-     merce, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Indus-
            ary 10, 2021, between the American-Hellenic Cham-     try, the DC Mayor’s Office, the DC Office of the Dep-
            ber of Commerce and the Greek Manpower Employ-        uty Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
            ment Organization (OAED), the two organizations       (DMPED), Enterprise Greece, and RRB/ITC-TCMA
            agreed to promote greater interconnection and inter-  to jointly organize the Virtual Economic Trade Mis-
            action between Chamber members and the OAED,          sion to Greece, which took place online on May 19,
            to determine the skills and qualifications that are   2021. Featuring insightful talks on various key topics
            companies look for in specific areas, and to develop   by speakers from both sides of the Atlantic, as well
            and implement employment reintegration programs       as B2B meetings between US and Greek companies
            that will equip jobseekers with appropriate skills. Also   active in key industries—real estate, hospitality and
            included in the MoU were the strengthening of the     tourism, professional services, energy and clean tech,
            climate of trust between business and OAED, ongo-     healthcare and life sciences, and agribusiness and
            ing advisory support for the country’s workforce, and   food—the mission introduced parties in both the US
            improving employment rates and access to the job      and Greece to each country’s business environment
            market for vulnerable groups.                         and provided information on collaboration and part-
                                                                  nership  opportunities  that  could  further  strengthen
            Find out more at          trade relations between the two countries.
            tion-oaed-sign-a-memorandum-of-strategic-coopera-     Find out more at
            tion/                                                 al-economic-trade-mission-with-greece/
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