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Greece’s dynamic comeback is no longer wishful thinking or a long term
                                           political goal. It’s a fact.

                                           An 8-year Odyssey of bailout programs has ended, officially, several
                                           weeks ago.
                                           This was a landmark for a recovery process that has been taking place
                                           for the last three years.

                                           2017, was the year that we begun to turn the page. It signaled the third
                                           year of fiscal overachievement, a significant return to growth for the
                                           first time in 10 years, a further decline of unemployment, an all-decade
                                           high in Foreign Direct Investments and an all time high record of
                                           visitors, thus boosting tourism - one of the crown jewels of our economy.

                If 2017 was the turning point, 2018 marks the dawn of Greece’s new era. The significantly improved
                figures regarding manufacturing, exports, tourism, industry are the signs of an economy that is back
                on track with enormous potential.

                Of course, economic recovery goes hand in hand with the strengthening of Greece’s geopolitical role in
                Europe and the broader region.

                Through important diplomatic initiatives Greece has become a pillar of stability and security, promoting
                dialogue and upholding international law, in a region that is facing historic challenges.

                The 2018 Thessaloniki International Fair will highlight the new era that Greece is entering.
                I am very glad that the USA are returning, as an honored country, in this year’s TIF.
                It is now more important than ever, that we strengthen our economic cooperation and empower our
                strategic partnership with the USA; and I wish to underline the important efforts of the American-
                Hellenic Chamber of Commerce to make this event a great success.

                                                                              Alexis Tsipras
                                                                               Prime Minister
                                                                               of the Hellenic Republic
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