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                                                 In October 2017, President Trump accepted Greek Prime Minister
                                                 Alexis Tsipras’ invitation for the U.S. to be the honored country at
                                                 the 83rd Thessaloniki International Fair, underscoring the strength
                                                 and breadth of the relationship between Greece and the United
                                                 The theme for our presence at the Fair is "Harnessing the Power of
                                                 Innovation and Creativity." As you explore the American Pavilion,
                                                 organized with our partners from the American-Hellenic Chamber
                                                 of Commerce, you will have the opportunity to experience the latest
                                                 trends in technology and innovation from top American companies.
                                                 These companies show how the American culture of
                                                 entrepreneurship and innovation drives growth and spurs
                                                 economic development, improving all of our lives in the process.

                                                 The U.S. Pavilion includes over 55 U.S. companies from a broad
                                                 spectrum of sectors including healthcare, aerospace, defense,
                                                 information technology, consumer products, energy, education
                and more - these companies, many of whom have been in Greece for decades, represent the best of
                American business. Their presence here demonstrates our confidence in Greece’s economic future and
                desire of American business to be partners in building that future. It is also intended to reinforce the role we
                see for Greece - and Thessaloniki - as a gateway to the wider Balkan region, and a key regional partner on
                issues like energy, logistics, and transportation.
                It is no coincidence that our year as honored country at the Thessaloniki International Fair comes as the
                Greek economy is emerging from an economic crisis and is re-entering global markets. Our bilateral trade
                totals over two billion dollars per year and is growing, investment flows are also expanding. Our aim at the
                Thessaloniki International Fair this year is to reinforce these growth, trade and investment ties. We see
                opportunities for American investment in Greece’s ambitious projects for pipelines, the expansion of
                natural gas terminals, as well as in privatizations like the port of Alexandroupolis and the Hellenikon project.
                In other areas, ExxonMobil is teaming up with Hellenic Petroleum to explore offshore energy resources near
                Crete. Lockheed Martin is working with Hellenic Aerospace Industries to upgrade Greece’s fleet of F-16s, a
                contract worth $1.2 billion with great economic and security benefits for both our countries. We also see
                great potential in the ICT market, with innovative U.S. firms helping increase the usage of e-government
                services and make improvements in broadband penetration, electronic transactions, cloud-computing
                services, and cybersecurity.
                So I hope you will see that the Americans are back, and thank you for visiting the U.S. Pavilion!

                Geoffrey Pyatt
                of the United States of America
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