Page 2 - ANNUAL REVIEW 2020
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The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound various industry-specific committees, the Chamber
impact on all aspects of daily life, causing an unprec- developed initiatives and platforms to help speed up
edented level of disruption and raising serious con- economic recovery in crucial sectors when the coro-
cerns not only in the global health community but in navirus crisis subsides and global economic activity
the financial community as well. In addition to its di- resumes at normal levels. Taking stock of ongoing de-
rect impact across industries and sectors, the spread velopments and looking to the future, AmChamGR’s
of the novel coronavirus set the stage for economic committees responded swiftly to the crisis and to the
ripple effects that will continue affecting businesses needs of its members and the broader business com-
in key domestic and global sectors for years to come. munity with a series of initiatives that offer up-to-date
Committed to its mission to support Greek business, information and support for companies doing busi-
contribute to the country’s economic growth and sta- ness in Greece. These include updates on the econ-
bility, and continuously improve business and trade omy and business environment in Greece, the United
relationships between the United States and Greece, States and worldwide, including curated links to addi-
the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce imme- tional online resources and guidelines, the findings of
diately responded to the unfolding crisis by setting to surveys, special purpose reports, and a virtual help-
work identifying and developing key ways to bolster desk with insights and updates on key business-relat-
the country’s business and economy. Through its ed topics from our members.