Translation services 15 Klm Thessaloniki-N. Moudania, P.O. Box 60206 570 01 THERMI, THESSALONIKI Tel. 2310 478.280 Fax 2310 478.283 Email info@lexicon.com.gr Website www.lexicon.com.gr
DetailsTranslation services 15 Klm Thessaloniki-N. Moudania, P.O. Box 60206 570 01 THERMI, THESSALONIKI Tel. 2310 478.280 Fax 2310 478.283 Email info@lexicon.com.gr Website www.lexicon.com.gr
DetailsSale of synthetic biodegradable lubricants 16 Alkyonis Street 175 61 P. FALIRO Tel. 210 985.3008 Email mgmt@progaialtd.com Website www.progaialtd.com
DetailsOctober 31, 2021 WASHINGTON – The United States and the EU have today taken joint steps to re-establish historical transatlantic trade flows in steel and aluminium and to strengthen their partnership and address shared challenges in the steel and aluminium sector. As a part of that partnership, they intend to negotiate for the first time,…
DetailsSpanning over 13 days from 31 October to 12 November, and bringing together world leaders, thousands of negotiators, government representatives, academics, businesses, and citizens – COP26 looks set to be a monumental event in context of the global climate agenda. In anticipation of the imminent launch of the COP26 summit in Glasgow this weekend, the American business community has come together in a joint statement to reaffirm our commitment to the goals the conference as well as the emissions reductions…
DetailsTrade of coffee products 44 Kifissias Avenue, Building B, Monumental Plaza 151 21 MAROUSSII Tel. 211 105.6800 Fax 211 268.6825 Email info.greece@jdecoffee.com Website www.jacobsdouweegberts.com
DetailsRenewable energy developer and operator 4 Theotokopoulou Street 151 25 MAROUSSI Tel. 211 100.4310 Email glagios@national.energy Website www.national.energy
DetailsEngineering consultancy 47-49 Persefonis Street 183 54 ATHENS Tel. 210 922.7080 Email stella.fox@aecom.com Website www.aecom.com
DetailsStadiou Street PLATANI ACHAIAS Tel. 2610 911.583 Email finance@advent.energy Website www.advent.energy