Servicing of receivables from loans and credits 209-211 Syngrou Avenue 171 21 N. SMYRNI Tel: 213 088.6600 Email: ipsimiti@cepal.gr Website: www.cepal.gr
DetailsServicing of receivables from loans and credits 209-211 Syngrou Avenue 171 21 N. SMYRNI Tel: 213 088.6600 Email: ipsimiti@cepal.gr Website: www.cepal.gr
DetailsJoin the regulatory partners at EAS Consulting Group for this virtual seminar on food and dietary supplement labeling compliance. Taking place over three days, starting at 11 a.m. each day, our experts will walk you through the requirements of a label. Learn FDA food labeling requirements from labeling experts who helped to develop and implement…
DetailsA working breakfast meeting took place on September 5, 2023 at the King George Hotel where members of AmChamGR Pharmaceutical Companies Committee and Medical Devices and Diagnostics Companies Committee had the opportunity to meet and discuss issues of common interest with the Minister of Health, Michalis Chrysochoides and Acting DCM, Eric Holmgren. Secretary General for…
DetailsMs. Barmpetaki is an international executive, with extensive pharma, biotech, and consulting experience. Returning to Greece, after 16 years abroad, and combining the “best of the three worlds”, an extensive American and European experience & the Greek heritage, she will continue the great work done so far by the Pharmaceutical Companies Committee. Labrina has had…
DetailsThe beverage industry is constantly evolving as consumers seek novel products that present new challenges. Ensure you’re up to speed on the latest trends by registering for our free webinar The webinar is organized by the EAS Consulting Group and the Food Safety Net Services (FSNS). Discover more about… Crafting beverages with food safety in…
DetailsAviation industry. Sales, services, training 78 Gounari Street 165 61 GLYFADA Tel: 211 016.8511 Fax: 210 354.1245 Email: info@amsaero.eu Website: www.amsaero.eu
DetailsSoftware as a service (Eventora platform for event management) 39 17th Noemvriou Street 155 62 HOLARGOS Tel: 210 656.4460 Email: info@eventora.com Website: www.eventora.com
DetailsComposting procedure producing a series of products like soil nutrients and fertilizers 6 Karavaggeli Street 570 09 KALOCHORI, THESSALONIKI Tel: 2310 538.799 Fax: 2310 532.919 Email: info@biosolids.gr Website: www.biosolids.gr