Closed Luncheon with Minister of Rural Development & Food Lefteris Avgenakis
November 24, 2023
Το Ελληνο-Αμερικανικό Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο διοργάνωσε κλειστό γεύμα εργασίας με τον Υπουργό Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων, κ. Λευτέρη Αυγενάκη την Παρασκευή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2023 στο ξενοδοχείο The MET της Θεσσαλονίκης. Στην εκδήλωση παρέστησαν μέλη του Επιμελητηρίου και σημαντικοί εκπρόσωποι του αγροδιατροφικού κλάδου. Ο Υπουργός αναγνώρισε τον καίριο ρόλο του τομέα στην ελληνική οικονομία και παρουσίασε τις…
DetailsDirector’s Desk
By Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director | Business Partners Nov-Dec, 2023
As I compose this, my last editorial for 2023, I find myself contemplating this past year, all it brought and the lasting impact it will leave behind, and as much as I am an optimist, I can’t deny a sense of apprehension at the events unfolding all around. Directly or indirectly, developments across the planet…
DetailsStronger than Ever
By Business Partners | Nov-Dec, 2023
Since presenting his credentials to the President of the Hellenic Republic on May 10, 2022, United States Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic George James Tsunis has demonstrated a strong commitment to his mission and a proactive disposition, not only representing the interests and policies of the United States in Greece but also working closely with…
DetailsLet’s Agree to Disagree
By Alexandra Loli, PhD, Publisher | Business Partners Nov-Dec, 2023
What makes a business successful? Is it just profits? Or could it be that the secret to a successful and long-lived business is a company’s ability to create a harmonious workplace and a common language that allows its employees to communicate effectively and respectfully even when they disagree? In her new book, A Glossary for…
DetailsShaping a Resilient Tomorrow: The ACE 2023 Best Practice Sharing Conference
By Business Partners | Nov-Dec, 2023
Showcasing the ACE community’s unwavering dedication to business excellence and promoting a strong and positive transatlantic economy, AmChams in Europe’s 2023 Best Practice Sharing Conference brought ACE representatives from across Europe and Eurasia to Athens for three days of insight, innovation, and collaboration. Organized and hosted by ACE and the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the…
DetailsGiorgos Seferis: Celebrating 60 Years Since the Poet’s Nobel Prize
By Business Partners | Nov-Dec, 2023
On October 24, 1963, the joyous news of the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to the poet Giorgos Seferis reached Athens. Sixty years later to the day, on October 24, 2023, the Benaki Museum opened its latest exhibition, “George Seferis: 60 Years Since the Nobel Prize,” dedicated to the historic anniversary of the…