Healthcare policy issues is a key priority for the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and for this reason inaugurated the AmChamGR Digital Talks & Events Series with the 1st Roundtable Discussion on the Restructuring of the National Healthcare System. We sincerely thank our distinguished speakers, Minister V. Kikilias, former Minister A. Xanthos, Mr. M. Papataxiarchis and the Professors A. Mariolis, A. Tsouros and I. Boletis for their substantive presentations and constructive suggestions and we are looking forward to continue the productive discussion during the 19th Healthworld Conference.
These highly focused added-value digital discussions are under the umbrella of the annual HealthWorld conference, scheduled to be held September 15-16, 2020 in a hybrid mode with limited physical presence and extended virtual participation.
Vasilis Kikilias, Minister of Health
Andreas Xanthos, Member of Parliament, Head, Health Sector, SYRIZA
Makis Papataxiarchis, Chairman, Pharmaceutical Companies Committee, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Anargyros Mariolis, General Practitioner, Director of the Areopolis Health Center, Mani, Head of the Initiative for the Reconstruction of Primary Health Care and General/Family Medicine
Agis Tsouros, former Director of the Division of Policy and Governance for Health and Wellbeing World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Visiting Professor, Imperial College, London
Moderator: Ioannis Boletis, Professor of Nephrology, Medical School, University of Athens, President, Onassis
Cardiac Surgery Center
Q & A Moderator: Makis Papataxiarchis, Chairman, Pharmaceutical Companies Committee, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce