“In this new Greece that we seek to build, we aim that the industry sector be a key pillar to which we will provide incentives and try to cure it of its great weaknesses” as stated by the Minister of Development & Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, during the digital event, Greek Industry and the New Growth Model: Necessary Reforms, held by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce in the context of a series of digital discussions, AmChamGR Digital Talks & Events.
The Minister announced the appointment of the National Council of Industry, while at the same time emphasized the government’s willingness to use all incoming resources in changing the country’s production model.
George Milonas, President & CEO, Alumil, underlined the confidence that the Greek industries gained during the crisis, responding directly to the increased needs of their customers which they must capitalize on, utilizing their geographical position in relation to the neighboring markets.
Christos Charpantidis, President and CEO, Papastratos, stated investment in projects and technology in our country, at a rate more than 35% is due to industry, which must be at the center of our production model for the next day.
Michalis Stasinopoulos, Member of the Board of Directors, Viohalco, underlined the importance of industry as a key competitive pillar, with internationally marketable products, crisis-resistant and with a sustainability plan, establishing a production ecosystem which is a risk management factor.
Theodoros Tryphon, Co-CEO, Elpen Group, referred both to the far fewer shortages of medicine in the Greek pharmaceutical industry amid the pandemic crisis from several Western countries, as well as to the export of medicine to Europe.
Vassilis Kafatos, Vice-President of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Partner, Deloitte, who facilitated the discussion stressed among other things the dynamics of industry which can bring significant multiple benefits to the economy, as it is a key axis of investment and innovation, contributing catalytically to exports and a multiplier to employment growth. He stated that the development of industry can be a second pillar supporting the economy, diversifying, and increasing resilience to new normality.
Nikolaos Bakatselos, President of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, referred the new Marshall Plan and specifically to the 32 billion euro economic support corresponding to Greece, in which he said he was very optimistic and supported that if the government handles with the same success it managed the pandemic, then the use of these funds, the speed with which we will emerge from the economic crisis will be inconceivable.