The Annual General Assembly meeting was held on June 28, 2018 at the Electra Metropolis Hotel.
The items of the Agenda included:
1. Approval of the previous General Assembly meeting minutes of June 28, 2017
2. Management Report
3. Auditors’ Committee Report
4. Approval of the Annual Statement of Accounts for the year 2017 and the Budget for the year 2018
5. To exempt the Management and the Auditors’ Committee from any responsibility
6. Election of new Auditors Committee
7. Approval of new members of the Chamber
The meeting commenced with the welcome address of the Chamber’s President, Simos Anastasopoulos, to the members and then proceeded with the agenda. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved. Then the President proceeded with the management report by referring to the 2017 Chamber activities. Regarding the current political and business climate in Greece and the Chamber’s actions and plans the President, Simos Anastasopoulos, emphasized that after 8 years of crisis and painful austerity measures there is a serious chance to return to normalcy. The Chamber insists that the road to prosperity is through the development of private initiative and will continue its efforts to develop and create an economic environment friendly to entrepreneurship and investment. He mentioned that the Chamber will continue to create opportunities such as TIF 2018 where the US is the honored country. The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce is organizing the American Pavilion, aiming to bring Greece to the forefront of the financial center in the Southeast Europe region, to create business and investment opportunities and to deepen even further the relations between Greece and the USA. The U.S. Pavilion will emphasis Technology and Innovation, not only because American companies lead in this domain, but mainly because there is a new development model in our country to be built which can strengthen outward orientation and bring sustainable growth, jobs and prosperity.
Continuously, the President made an important announcement of the establishment of the Competitiveness Council of Greece. He mentioned that this is an initiative of the Chamber and the founding members include: The Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, the Athens Stock Exchange, Deloitte, Piraeus Bank, the Delphi Forum, ELVALHALCOR, Philip Morris/ Papastratos, Aldemar, Pyramis, Pharmathen, Petsiavas, Biosolids and Capital Partners. As competitiveness becomes the leading slogan for the global economy and its ability to attract investment, the Council will be at the forefront for the betterment of the Greek economy and in first line with key events. With these new initiatives, with multiple interventions through events, conferences, missions within and outside Greece, the work of various Committees, and the almost daily presence at meetings with investors, civil servants, politicians and professional bodies as well as the presence and active participation in events of other entities, the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce plays a leading role of the in the economic scene of the country.
The President proceeded with the remaining items on the agenda, which were unanimously approved by the Chamber members.
In closing, he deeply thanked the Chamber’s personnel, partners and members for their support in the implementation of its successful activities and course.
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