The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with its Women in Business (WIB) Committee, held its 7th WIB Forum, Turning Points to Breakthroughs, on June 7, 2023, at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Culture Center at the Lighthouse, on how to transform turning points, crises, challenges into unexpected possibilities.
The frenetic speed with which everything is changing, in every aspect of our lives, now demands knowledge about how we manage change to create positive transitions. Turning Points to Breakthroughs sought to tackle the need to develop the capacity for change. The 7th WIB forum, with a group of leading speakers, experts in the experience of change, provided inspiration and highlighted practical tools, necessary to be able to manage the unknown. At the same time, these tools will lead to the overcoming of fear, the creation of new solutions and a positive strengthening our readiness in the face of changes.
As part of the forum, the READINESS FOR CHANGE survey was conducted among business executives. The research measured the readiness for change and the skills that make the difference in professional turning points. It also recorded what will be required of executives in the future, so that there is an effective responsiveness to changes.
Key forum highlights included:
Nikolas Bakatselos, President, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus We need to accept the unknown instead of desperately trying to avoid it.
Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
We are going to have to get out of our comfort zones to cope with the current ever changing environment.
Myladie Stoumbou, Chair, Women in Business (WIB) Committee
Without change there is no evolution. There is no progress.
Marianna Skylakaki, CEO, αθηΝΕΑ
Turning points are not always pleasant but they can lead to real breakthroughs.
Roman Gerodimos, Professor of Global Current Affairs, Bournemouth University
In our times the great narratives are dismantled. Thus we have a crisis of values, personally and collectively. We need to counterbalance these challenges with new skills.
Dr. Ioannis Salmon, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration University of Western Attica
Throughout our history we have always attempted to tame the changing environment. And every time we think we have. Till the new change comes along.
Agnes Mariakaki, CEO, MindSearch
It’s a taboo to admit to our vulnerability.
Maya Tsoclis, Co-Founder, Nissos Beer & Travel Journalist
Every change expands our lives.
Ani Filipova, Founder, Change Advisory
Once you feel confident about yourself and secure enough to make the change, your worries disappear.
Sotiris Lymperopoulos, Owner, Radiki
In the good scenario we choose the changes that find us.
Sally Helgesen, Premier Expert on Women’s Leadership and Best-Selling Author
In my 35 years of helping aspiring women leaders to recognize their strengths, I have witnessed wonderful changes in individuals and organizations. Even turning points that initially felt like setbacks turned out to be of great value.
Dr. Dimitris Karayannis, Psychiatrist
Very difficult situations more often than not force people to find the silver lining. We cannot cancel out negative turning points. We just need to process them and figure out what to do with them.
Yannis Dimarakis, Managing Partner, Scotwork Hellas
Turning points just happen and this is the beauty of life.
Dr. Ted Papakostas, Archaeologist
My success has to do with doing what I am passionate about, and keep on doing it with the same passion.
Tatiana Kolovou, Teaching Professor, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Not being afraid to ask and actually asking the right question can lead you to your turning point.
More info: Angela Boyatzis, a.boyatzis@amcham.gr, 210 699.3559 ext. 21