Veterinary medicines & products. Email: infogr@zoetis.com Address: 7 Fragoklissias Street Post Code: 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone: +30 210 679.1900 Website: www.zoetis.gr
Veterinary medicines & products. Email: infogr@zoetis.com Address: 7 Fragoklissias Street Post Code: 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone: +30 210 679.1900 Website: www.zoetis.gr
Xerox provides a wide range of solutions, products and services that help in the management of documents in every aspect…
Bio-pharmaceutical, high -tech, spare parts, documents, local-international courier. Email: vangelis@worldcourier.com.gr Address: 549 Messoghion Avenue Post Code: 153 43 AG. PARASKEVI Telephone: 210 675.6517-9 Website: www.worldcourier.com
Hotel Makedonia Palace. Email: info@makedoniapalace.gr Address: 2 Megalou Alexandrou Avenue Post Code: 546 40 THESSALONIKI Telephone: 2310 897.197 Website: www.makedoniapalace.gr
Worldwide money transfers in minutes PayLink is a distinctive title and commercial brand of WorldBridge – Payment Institution S.A., Principal representative…
Law firm Email: ABACKOS@WFW.COM Address: 4 Vas. Sophias Avenue Post Code: 106 74 ATHENS Telephone: 001212 922.2213 Website: www.wfw.com
Licensing rights of Walt Disney characters. Email: Address: 170 Syngrou Avenue & 1 Valestras Street Post Code: 176 71 ATHENS Telephone: 210 953.8400…
Shipping and transportation. Email: vista@vista-maritime.com Address: 33 Akti Miaouli Post Code: 185 35 PIRAEUS Telephone: 210 429.3150 Website: www.vista-maritime.com
Metal industry. Email: kbakouris@steelmet.vionet.gr Address: 16 Himaras Street Post Code: 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone: 210 686.1111 Website: www.viohalco.gr
Pharmaceutical manufacturers, contract manufacturers. Email: mailbox@vianex.gr Address: P.O. Box 52894 Post Code: 146 10 N. ERYTHREA Telephone: 210 800.9111-120 Website: www.vianex.gr
Legal services. Email: mail@pptlegal.gr Address: 15 Filikis Eterias Square Post Code: 106 73 ATHENS Telephone: 210 7206900 Website: www.pptlegal.gr
Public affairs, business networking Email: ed.carrer@verticalsolutions.gr Address: 12 Valaoritou Street Post Code: 106 71 ATHENS Telephone: 210 362.9539 Website: www.verticalsolutions.gr
Retail consulting/software. Email: info@veltio.com Address: 17 Georgikis Scholis Street Post Code: 570 01 PYLAIA, THESSALONIKI Telephone: 2310 430.402 Website: www.veltio.com
Import Marketing and Sales of in vitro diagnostics and lifescience research instruments & reagents. Email: varelas@otenet.gr Address: 4 Eleftherias Street Post Code: 145…
Law firm. Email: mv@varklantis.gr Address: 9 Kanari Street Post Code: 106 71 ATHENS Telephone: 210 361.6583, 361.6588, 339.2661-2 Website: www.varklantislawfirm.gr
A fully owned NCASC accredited campus of the University of Indianapolis (U.S.A.) offering undergraduate and graduate degree program in Greece.…
Business development/customer support. Email: polis.vrionides@pw.utc.com Address: 64B Kifissias Avenue, 5th Floor Post Code: 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone: 210 681.7601 Website: –
Vintage of muscat grapes of the island of Samos, wine making, processing and marketing on exclusive basis of all the…
Manufacturing and trading household items under brand name Tupperware. Email: yannishaidis@tupperware.com Address: 4 Academias Street Post Code: 106 71 ATHENS Telephone: 210 367.9321 Website: www.tupperware.gr
Travel and tourism. Email: egeorgio@tui.gr Address: 16 Karyatidon Street Post Code: 145 64 KIFISSIA Telephone: 210 350.2552 Website: www.tui.gr
Legal services. Email: info@tsibanoulis.gr Address: 18 Omirou Street Post Code: 106 72 ATHENS Telephone: 2103675100 Website: www.tsibanoulis.gr
Distribuiton of medical devices and orthopaedic implants. Email: orthopaedics@trimedhellas.gr Address: 344 Syngrou Avenue & 4 Solonos Street Post Code: KALLITHEA Telephone: 210 948.4091 Website: …