Processing,excavating,trading from marble 7 Lykovrissis Street 144 52 METAMORFOSSI Telephone 210 282.6825 Fax 210 281.8574 Email info@iktinos.gr Site www.iktinos.gr
Processing,excavating,trading from marble 7 Lykovrissis Street 144 52 METAMORFOSSI Telephone 210 282.6825 Fax 210 281.8574 Email info@iktinos.gr Site www.iktinos.gr
Consulting engineering 43, 26th Oktovriou Street 546 27 THESSALONIKI Telephone 2310 552.110 Fax 2310 552.107 Email dimitris.samaras@samaras-co.gr Site www.samaras-co.gr
Certified public accountants 6-8 Fragkon Street 546 26 THESSALONIKI Telephone 231 182.0899 Fax 231 182.0899 Email markou@ksigreece.gr Site www.ksigreece.gr
Tobacco in leaves 2nd Klm of Xanthi-Petinos Road 671 00 XANTHI Telephone 25410 69.600 Fax 25410 20.095 Email sekesa@sekesa.gr Site…
Leading Greek Winery with privately owned state-of-the-art vineyards 2nd Klm Amydeon-Aghios Panteleimon 532 00 AMYNDEON, PREFECTURE OF FLORINA Telephone 2386…
57 Ioannou Metaxa Street 194 41 KOROPI-ATTICA Telephone 210 664.1420 Email papastefani@theon.com Site www.theon.com
Professional Services 10-12 Kifissias Avenue 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone 210 688.6516 Email corporate@thriveglobal.gr Site www.thriveglobal.gr
Vineyard-Winery Epanomi 575 00 THESSALONIKI Telephone 23920 44.567 Fax 23920 44.560 Email ktima@gerovassiliou.gr Site www.gerovassiliou.gr
Government Contractors, Representatives, Importers, Distributors of electronic and electrical equipment. Email: info@dronesolutions.gr Address: 2, Posidonos Street Post Code: 144 51…
Software development Telephone: 210 994.9390 Fax: 210 994.9399 Email: babis.bakollias@ansys.com Site: www.helic.com
Kollegio – KE.Di.Bi.M.2 Telephone: 210 368.0950 Fax: 210 363.3174 Email: ltzonis@hauniv.edu Site: www.haec.gr
Akuo Energy is a multinational French based investor, developer and operator of renewable energy plants Telephone: 210 801.9807 Email: kostas@akuoenergy.com Site: www.akuoenergy.com
U.S. Tax, financial and business developments advisors Telephone: 001 646.532.6700 Email: chris.holidis@cjglobalconsultants.com Site: www.cjglobalconsultants.com
316 Akti Themistokleous 185 39 PIRAEUS Telephone” 210 453.2134 Fax” 210 451.7128 Email” stamatis@defence.gr Site” www.defence.gr
Hospitality management 2 Tsakalof Street ATHENS Telephone: 210 339.2200-201 Email: gc@swot.gr Site: www.swot.gr
Rental 140 Monastiriou Street 546 27 THESSALONIKI Telephone: 2310 566.868 Fax: 2310 518.481 Email: info@hss.gr Site: www.hss.gr
Aerospace, avionic & related system-services Megara Airport 191 00 MEGARA Telephone: 22960 23.011 Fax: 22960 23.150 Email: ceo@aeroservices.gr Site www.aeroservices.gr
Medical IVD distribution products of analyzers email: info@mantzoros.gr Address: 113 Michalakopoulou Street Postal Code: 115 27 ATHENS Phone: 210 729.2492…
Hotel email: titania@titania.gr Address: 52 Panepistimiou Avenue Postal Code:106 78 ATHENS Phone: 210 332.6000 Website: www.titania.gr
Wood processing industry email: info@akritas.gr Address: 3 Sok. Ikonomou Street Postal Code: 681 31 ALEXANDROUPOLIS Phone: 25510 89.810 Website: www.akritas.gr
Vineyard-Winery email: ktima@gerovassiliou.gr Address: Epanomi Postal Code: 575 00 THESSALONIKI Phone: 23920 44.567 Website: www.gerovassiliou.gr
Production and packing of honey email: info@stayiafarm.com Address: Avlidos-Drosias National Road Postal Code: 34 100 CHALKIDA-EVIA Phone: 222 111.6484, 222 109.4015 Website: www.stayiafarm.com
Production, standardization and distribution of agricultural products email: info@vezyrogloufarm.com Address: P.O. Box 5, Schoinas Postal Code: 59 300 ALEXANDRIA IMATHIAS Phone: 23330 26.690…