Steel industry 864 Othonos & Kokkota Streets 145 61 KIFISSIA Tel: 210 628.3400 Email: admin@hlv.gr Website: www.hlv.gr Steel industry
Steel industry 864 Othonos & Kokkota Streets 145 61 KIFISSIA Tel: 210 628.3400 Email: admin@hlv.gr Website: www.hlv.gr Steel industry
Flexible packaging materials 21 Stadiou Street 570 09 KALOHORI, THESSALONIKI Tel: 2310 551.0801 Fax: 2310 540.673 Email: info@hatzopoulos.gr Website: www.hatzopoulos.gr
Industrial and Marine Lubricants, Bioremediation Products, Oil filtration systems, Chemical Cleaners etc. 85 Serron Street 104 41 ATHENS Tel: 210…
Bank 80 Michalakopoulou Street 115 28 ATHENS Tel. 210 745.0526 Email a.chatzipetrou@hdb.gr Website www.hdb.gr
Hotel investment – Financing advisory services 48 Patision Street 106 82 ATHENS Tel. 6977 088.934 Email nhadjos@hotellect.eu Website www.hotellect.eu
International transport, exhibitions, conference 39 Gounari Street 185 31 PIRAEUS Tel. 210 964.8771-5 Fax 210 964.8731 Email info@harlas.gr Website www.harlas.gr
Dairy industry 5th Klm Trikalon-Pylis Street 421 00 TRIKALA Tel. 24310 61.222 Email info@hellenicdairies.com Website www.olympusfoods.com
Consultants, Project Management 37A Kifissias Avenue 151 23 MAROUSI Tel. 210 610.5171 Fax 210 610.5172 Email EmmanouilSigalas@hillintl.com Website www.hillintl.com…
Holding company 4 Karageorgi Servias Street 105 62 ATHENS Telephone 210 010.6900 Fax 210 010.6953 Email contact@hcap.gr Site www.hcap.gr
Software development Telephone: 210 994.9390 Fax: 210 994.9399 Email: babis.bakollias@ansys.com Site: www.helic.com
Kollegio – KE.Di.Bi.M.2 Telephone: 210 368.0950 Fax: 210 363.3174 Email: ltzonis@hauniv.edu Site: www.haec.gr
SFEE represents 65 major international and national pharma companies Email:sfee@sfee.gr Address: 280 Kifissias Avenue & 3 Agriniou Street Post Code:…
Societe anonyme of energy and environmental applications Email:helector@helector.gr Address: 25 Ermou Street Post Code: 145 64 N. KIFISSIA Telephone:210 818.4700…
Marine insurance Email:info@hma.com.cy Address: 53-55 Akti Miaouli Street Post Code: 185 36 PIRAEUS Telephone: +30 210 4522.395 Website: www.hma.com.cy
Hotel enterprises. Email: saleselath@electrahotels.gr Address: 5 Ermou Street Post Code: 105 63 ATHENS Telephone: 210 337.8000, 2310 294.000, 337.0047 Website: www.electrahotels.gr
Insurance. All branches. Email: info@orizonins.gr Address: 26A Amalias Avenue Post Code: 105 57 ATHENS Telephone: 210 322.7932-6 Website: www.orizonins.gr
Agricultural machinery – treatment & trade of table olives Email: higas@higas.gr Address: 9th Klm Thessalonikis-Kilkis Old National Road Post Code: 570 08 IONIA,…
Manufacturers of electronic instruments and computer systems, IT service providers in support, consulting and systems integration. Email: hpegreece@hpe.com Address: 1-3 Tzavela…
Direct Selling Company-Nutrition/Cosmetics. Email: DRGreece-Cyprus@herbalife.com Address: 110 Pentelis Street Post Code: 151 26 MAROUSI Telephone: 210 8108800 Website: www.herbalife.com
Supply, Refining and Trading of petroleum products, both in Greece and abroad. Fuels Oil Marketing, both in Greece and abroad.…
Email: infodeddie@deddie.gr Address: 20 Perrainou & 5 Kallirois Street Post Code: 117 43 ATHENS Telephone: 11500 2111900500
Retail duty free sales and travel value. Email: yvelentzas@dutyfreeshops.gr Address: 23rd Klm Athens-Lamia National Road Post Code: 145 65 AG. STEFANOS Telephone: 210 626.9400…
English and modern Greek language lessons, translation program (Diploma, M.A.), teacher education (Diploma, M.A.), computer lab, life-long learning, business seminars,…
Aircraft, engines and accessories MRO. Development, design and manufacturing of electronic products and weapon systems. Aerostructures manufacturing. Technical training. Email: contact@haicorp.com…