Every four years the race for the White House dominates the attention of people around the world, but this year’s elections have been of the most critical of our times.
Just like the rest of the world, the United States has changed over the last years through challenges that included economic crises, rising middle class poverty, the global escalation of populism and neo-authoritarianism along with the criticism of established institutions and norms, and the reshuffling of geopolitical power balances.
Of the ongoing economic and political challenges, national and global alike, that the United States has had to navigate in recent years, nothing has been more threatening for the U.S. that we—from the outside—know and aspire to than the intensifying division and polarization between her people.
In a world of constantly developing new threats and opportunities, the world needs a United States of creativity, of multicultural academic excellence, of innovative thinking, of vibrant entrepreneurship, of pioneering technological advancements, and with the international gravitas to inspire and promote what we appreciate as western values and liberal order.
However, for all of us at the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the outcome of any election or any difficulties in the United States or in Greece does not alter what we do and have done every day for the past 88 years.
Our tireless efforts to continuously renew and strengthen the business, economic and people-to-people bonds between our two countries, while jointly capitalizing on any regional emerging opportunity, demand that we look beyond politics regardless of their impact.
This profound conviction reflects far more than a non-partisan mandate; it reflects what lies in the heart of all entrepreneurs, professionals, dreamers, and doers: our resolve to blend talents, insight, experiences, expertise, and hard work to synthesize new solutions, explore new areas for growth, and forge alliances with any and all stakeholders so as to collectively build the prosperity we all seek.
If there is one thing that we learned from the unprecedented events of 2020, it is that our world can only navigate through shattering challenges and adapt to a highly disruptive “new normal” by working together—one thing that for all of us at the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce is simply… business as usual.