Coorporate Liquidity Advisor (Providing southeast European companies liquidity to expand (Debt or JV) 3 Chatzipanagiotidou Street THESSALONIKI Tel. 6972 370.706 Email funds@nanelec.com Website www.nanelec.com
Coorporate Liquidity Advisor (Providing southeast European companies liquidity to expand (Debt or JV) 3 Chatzipanagiotidou Street THESSALONIKI Tel. 6972 370.706 Email funds@nanelec.com Website www.nanelec.com
Industry of fire lighting equipment and medical equipment Kathiana Akrotiriou CHANIA, CRETE Tel. 28210 63.222 Fax 28210 66.260 Email exports@mobiak.com Website www.mobiak.com
Technical, professional, construction services, scientific and specialty consulting 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75201, U.S.A. Tel. +191 622.09943 Email deborah.geideman@jacobs.com Website www.jacobs.com
VANOS SA estd. 1929 in Piraeus port. Today, it is operating as a trading company offering a wide range of recognized products and services to the marine, industry, military & civil defense sectors. 96 Dim. Moutsopoulou & Serifou Streets 185 41 PIRAEUS Tel. 210 427.8700 Fax 210 427.8720 Email vassman@vanos.gr Website www.vanos.gr
Στις 29 Ιουνίου 2021 πραγματοποιήθηκε συνάντηση των Μελών της Επιτροπής Ηγεσίας, με την ευγενική χορηγία του κ. Χάρη Κωνσταντίνου, Chairman, Printec και της κας. Μαρίνας Μαυρομμάτη, CEO, Printec. Στην συνάντηση μας τίμησε με την παρουσία του ο Υπουργός Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων κ. Άδωνης Γεωργιάδης. Κατά την διάρκεια της συνάντησης ο Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Ηγεσίας κ.…
IOT activities with consulting, advertising and communication 20 Olimpiou Diamanti Street THESSALONIKI Tel. 2310 231.557 Email info@mycompany.com.gr Website www.mycompany.com.gr
Financial institution 72 Pentelis Avenue 152 34 HALANDRI Tel. 211 199.4370 Email christos.theodossiou@bff.com Website www.bff.com
Cardiological office 65 Ioanni Passalidi Street KALAMARIA, THESSALONIKI Tel. 2310 480.555 Email Diamantisgkolidakis@gmail.com
Executive search and leadership consulting 32 Kifissias Avenue 151 25 MAROUSSI Tel. 216 1000.700 Email greece@boyden.com Website: www.boyden.com/greece-and-cyprus/index.html
Bakery Thesi Tzima 194 00 KOROPI Tel. 210 669.4200 Email em.karamolegos@karamolegos-bkr.gr Website www.karamolegos.gr