AmChamGR Executive Director @ APE Radio 104.9FM
June 4, 2021
President Nikolaos Bakatselos and Executive Director Elias Spirtounias of AmCham GR participated in the opening bell of the Athens Exchange by US Ambassador Pyatt last Tuesday May 25. The ceremony was a part of the launching campaign for the upcoming annual Investment Forum in US (June 8-11) that is being co-organized by Athens Exchange and…
President Nikolaos Bakatselos, Executive Director Elias Spirtounias and members of the Energy and Circular Committees along with their Presidents Costas Andriosopoulos and George Kremlis met last Friday with Zoran Zaev Prime Minister Fatmir Nytyqi, Deputy Prime Minister and Kreshnik Bektheshi, Minister of Finance of North Macedonia. The meeting aimed to discuss possible business collaborations in…
AmChams in Europe convened οn May 10-12 their 2021 ACE US WEEK: Washington D.C. Virtual Outreach, where representatives of all 43 AmChams from Europe and Eurasia participated in series of briefings and talks with senior executives from the US State Department, US Department of Commerce, the White House National Security Council, and the US Chamber…