3rd Digital Sustainability Forum
June 29, 2020
The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, after two successful roundtable discussions on the subject of Artificial Intelligence, the first about the National Strategy for AI and the second about the application of AI on the Health Sector successfully organized on June 29th the 3rd Digital Sustainability Forum, titled: ‘The Rapid Evolution of AI and the need…
Pharma on the Front Lines
By Alexandra Loli, Publisher | Business Partners, May-Jun 2020
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on both major vulnerabilities and key strengths of our societies. As was expected, healthcare was at the forefront—from the doctors and nurses treating patients in hospitals to the policymakers working on new policies and recommendations to protect the population, facilitate medical innovation, and strengthen the healthcare system in…
On Solid Foundations: Building on Educational and Cultural Diplomacy
By Business Partners | May-Jun 2020
Distinguished member of the Greek Foreign Service. Fulbright Alumna. Trailblazer. Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ambassador of Greece to the United States, talks to Business Partners about her experience with the Fulbright Program, the advances of women in the Greek Foreign Service, her path to arguably the most prestigious appointment in her field, and the role of education…
Getting Back to a New Normality
By Litsa Panayotopoulos, Chair of the Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EIE) Committee, the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce | Business Partners, May-Jun 2020
We are at one of the most critical turning points in our country’s history, in the midst of an effort to return to a normality that will be very different from the one we knew and expected, with uncharted waters ahead. In our transition to the new normality, we are armed with a great…
Director’s Desk
By Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director | Business Partners May-Jun, 2020
Dear members and friends of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, The cover of this issue of Business Partners features a simple yet profoundly heartfelt message of gratitude—our gratitude as an organization and as individuals—to all the people who stepped up, helped out, and inspired the rest of us to cope with this ordeal as best…