Bristol Myers Squibb: A Human-Centric Company in the Truest Sense of the Word
By Zefi Vlachopioti, Market Access Lead, Bristol Myers Squibb Greece | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

As one of the world’s leading biopharma companies, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) has been serving its mission to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases for over 150 years. Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) started its business operations in Greece in 1961 and has since been creating its own legacy…

It’s Our Responsibility: The Real Marker of Success Is Giving Back
By Dimitris Demos, Managing Director, Demo S.A. Pharmaceutical Industry | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

At Demo, successful entrepreneurship is not just about growth and financial results—it is also a matter of social responsibility and sustainable development. Putting action to words, in 2020 Demo allocated over €1 million to support the Greek National Health System, NGOs and employees. Committed to contributing positively to the community, society and the environment, through…

ESG Investing Trends During the Pandemic
By Maya Hennerkes, ESG Sector Lead for Financial Intermediaries, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

Not long ago, the letters “ESG” seemed like a secret code for a number of tree-hugging environmentalists. Today, sustainability is habitually on the agenda everywhere from the annual gathering at Davos, shareholder meetings of major companies, or private equity conferences. Often, expressions of ambition in sustainability were not matched with the necessary action. Then, a…

Stretching for the Future of Work
By Theodosios Anagnostopoulos, Talent Information Solution Leader for Greece, Mercer Marsh Benefits | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

The future of work is here and is now—or as Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella puts it: “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”1   From a human resource management point of view, the last 12 months have convinced us that the future is provoking, exciting and flexible. The disruption brought on…

Strength from Within
By Georgios Fabios, President and CEO, Medichrom International | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

From crucial pharmaceuticals to natural supplements and beauty products, Medichrom has been supplying the Greek and foreign market with quality products for almost half a century.   Founded in 1974, in the Markopoulo area in the eastern outskirts of Athens, Medichrom International has almost fifty years of experience in producing quality pharmaceuticals for the Greek…