Investing in Young Scientists for a Sustainable Future
By George Troullinos, Chief Executive Officer, Intracom Defense (IDE) | Business Partners, May-Jun 2021

Intracom Defense (IDE) is Greece’s leading defense company, developing, manufacturing and exporting (approximately 90% of turnover in recent years) state-of-the-art technology products and contributing significantly to the Greek economy and society. Intracom Defense’s contribution to the growth of the Greek economy is achieved through our collaborations with quality-driven international customers and especially with leading US…

The Free and the Brave. American Philhellenes and the “Glorious Struggle of the Greeks” (1776-1866)
By Business Partners | Mar-Apr 2021

A new exhibition at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens explores the relations and connections between Greece and the United States during the century of revolutions. To mark the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution, a theme dominant among the significant collections of the Gennadius Library, the American School of Classical Studies at…

Achieving Virtual Collaboration Without Personal Proximity
By Nikos Mylonopoulos, Associate Professor of Digital Business, Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

The sudden inversion of work practices from mainly co-present to mainly virtual has exposed rifts, maladjustment, resistance, volatility in performance, degradation of well-being, and the depletion of social capital. Of course, not every individual, team, and organization experiences the same effects to the same degree: Some are further ahead on the virtual collaboration curve, while…

Digital Transformation: A Model of Modern Governance for Society and Business
By Vangelis Morfis, Marketing and Operations Director for Greece, Cyprus and Malta at Microsoft | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2021

In Greece, the digital transformation of both the state and businesses is taking place at a rapid pace, as the new conditions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic saw important steps towards digital transition taken in a period of just a few months. Innovation and technology will undoubtedly be the accelerator of the Greek economy.…