Empowering Leadership to Help People Achieve their Dreams
By Business Partners | May-Jun 2021

Kleopatra Kalogeropoulou, International Liaison Partner, CPA, ACA, at BDO Greece and Member of the Supervisory Council of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece, talks to Business Partners magazine about the importance of embracing challenges, the positive impact of leading sustainably and how to empower people to come into their own in the workplace.…

Strengthening Cybersecurity: The New EU Framework of Standards and Certification
By Business Partners | May-Jun 2021

Bringing together key policymakers, industry leaders and experts, the fourth Digital Sustainability Forum looked at one of 2021’s foremost cybersecurity developments, examining its ins and outs and looking at the real impact that the new scheme can have for businesses of all sizes in Greece and across the European Union. With a focus on the…

dreamcatcher.eco | The Future of Business Lies in Business that Cares for the Future
By Business Partners | May-Jun 2021

In its 8th Sustainable Talks event to date, the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce brought together startuppers, young as well as established entrepreneurs, and investors to discuss sustainability and the future of business. Organized by AmChamGR’s Corporate Responsibility Committee in cooperation with the Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee, and titled “dreamcatcher.eco: The Future of Business Lies…

Building Europe’s Cybersecurity
By Business Partners | May-Jun 2021

As Head of ENISA’s Market Certification and Standardization Unit, Andreas Mitrakas is at the center of EU efforts to strengthen cybersecurity and boost the bloc’s digital single market. On the occasion of his participation in AmChamGR’s Digital Sustainability Forum, “Strengthening Cybersecurity: The New EU Framework of Standards and Certification,” on March 31, Business Partners reached…

Improvising in Times of Crisis
By Dr. Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos, Professor of Strategy and Marketing, Academic Director of the Executive MBA, Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece | Business Partners, May-Jun 2021

One of the most commonly held beliefs is that it is a bad idea to improvise in the midst of a crisis. The ongoing pandemic has led quite a few organizations to improvise, in other words, to adopt innovative strategies in real-time, with no prior planning. In a short time, educational institutions were forced to…