Real Estate in Business and Country Growth
By Left Sikalidis, MRICS, founder and CEO of; Chair of AmChamGR’s Real Estate and Development Committee | Business Partners, Sept-Oct 2021

In this world in which we live and operate, every business is directly or indirectly involved in real estate. Each company needs space to create, store, sell and distribute its products and services. Decisionmaking for a commercial property is a demanding task. Companies face several challenges during such longterm plans in current dynamic environments. An…

Sustainability: The Game Changer
By Kleopatra Kalogeropoulou, International Liaison Partner, CPA, ACA, at BDO Greece and Member of the Supervisory Council of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece | Business Partners, Sept-Oct 2021

Sustainability n. 1. The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level; 1.1. Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. Sustainability presents a challenge due to its breadth and complexity. The very terminology and even the meaning of sustainability have changed over time. In business, we have…

With an Eye to the Future: AmChamGR’s Key Contributions to TIF 2021
By Business Partners | Sept-Oct 2021

Upholding the legacy of its hugely successful U.S. Pavilion at TIF 2018, the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce once again returned to Thessaloniki International Fair with a strong presence. Through a series of events and participations, AmChamGR shone a spotlight on Greece’s ever-growing potential as a major regional and international player in energy, technology, commerce and…

Strengthening the EU’s Cybersecurity: The New EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework for Cloud Services
By Despina Spanou, Head of Cabinet for European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas | Business Partners, Sept-Oct 2021

Usually required in sensitive marketplace areas or industries where a failure could have serious consequences, such as negatively impacting the welfare or health of the people using that product, product certification is a clear sign of a well-regulated and mature economy and society and creates trust between sellers/manufacturers and end users/consumers. European consumers know that…