Should Tax Risk Be a Priority for Boards in 2023 and Beyond?
By Maria Zoupa, Head of Corporate Tax Advisory and Compliance / Executive Committee Member, Zepos & Yannopoulos | Business Partners, Jan-Feb, 2023

With the international landscape rapidly changing and the need for risk management growing, is it time to put in the work and embrace diligence and good governance? A year ago, we were at AmCham’s annual Tax Forum in Athens, discussing the changing landscape of international tax with fellow EU and US Taxand colleagues. It was…

Values in a Time of Uncertainty
By Thomas Kolster, Mr. Goodvertising, marketing activist, author and speaker | Business Partners, Jan-Feb, 2023

In uncertain times such as these, with companies and leaders faced with multiple challenges from recession and inflation to war and climate emergency, our values and purpose are put to the test. How we respond truly matters.   During the height of Covid, we witnessed companies queuing up to supposedly play their part, but most…

A 365° Analysis: The Greek Tech Ecosystem in the Global Arena
By Alfredo Gomez Soria, Sr. Corporate Partnerships & Government Relationships, Plug and Play; Natalia Olson-Urtecho, Director Global Government Relationships, Plug and Play | Business Partners, Jan-Feb, 2023

Out of adversity come opportunity and innovation. And this has never rung truer than in Greece, where, despite many challenges and successive crises, the fledgling tech ecosystem has evolved into a key European tech hub within a matter of years. From economic meltdown and global pandemic to wildfire climate disasters, Greece has shown great tenacity…