The U.S. Embassy in Athens and Women On Top, with the support of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, hosted virtually on June 23-24, a women’s empowerment initiative, POWER | Female Tech Entrepreneurs Forum: Preparing for Greece’s Cloud-Based Future. The event is part of POWER (Providing Opportunities for Women’s Economic Rise), a U.S. State Department initiative that aims to offer an eclectic mix of presentations and interactive workshops ranging from how to secure venture capital to incorporating tech best practices. During the two-day event, U.S., Greek and international experts with female tech entrepreneurs and stakeholders shared best practices designed to boost female high growth entrepreneurship and build a supportive ecosystem for women entrepreneurs. Myladie Stoumbou, Chair of the Women in Business Committee, participated in Opening Remarks and stressed that “Stronger women participation in tech entrepreneurship would support more equal access to economic opportunity, but it is also a business imperative as it proven that diverse companies are more innovative and generate better outcomes. In Greece, post pandemic recovery should be focused on offering women entrepreneurs access to information, knowledge, funding, mentoring and networking opportunities. Our role is to support women to thrive by promoting women entrepreneurs as role models and by strengthening women influence in the tech industry.”
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