Law partnership 11 Omirou & 1 Vissarionos Street ATHENS Telephone 210 338.0000 Fax 210 339.0325 Email info@potamitisvekris.com Site www.potamitisvekris.com
Law partnership 11 Omirou & 1 Vissarionos Street ATHENS Telephone 210 338.0000 Fax 210 339.0325 Email info@potamitisvekris.com Site www.potamitisvekris.com
Processing,excavating,trading from marble 7 Lykovrissis Street 144 52 METAMORFOSSI Telephone 210 282.6825 Fax 210 281.8574 Email info@iktinos.gr Site www.iktinos.gr
Consulting engineering 43, 26th Oktovriou Street 546 27 THESSALONIKI Telephone 2310 552.110 Fax 2310 552.107 Email dimitris.samaras@samaras-co.gr Site www.samaras-co.gr
Certified public accountants 6-8 Fragkon Street 546 26 THESSALONIKI Telephone 231 182.0899 Fax 231 182.0899 Email markou@ksigreece.gr Site www.ksigreece.gr
Tobacco in leaves 2nd Klm of Xanthi-Petinos Road 671 00 XANTHI Telephone 25410 69.600 Fax 25410 20.095 Email sekesa@sekesa.gr Site www.sekesa.com
Leading Greek Winery with privately owned state-of-the-art vineyards 2nd Klm Amydeon-Aghios Panteleimon 532 00 AMYNDEON, PREFECTURE OF FLORINA Telephone 2386 020.111 Fax 2386 020.132 Email info@alpha-estate.com Site www.alpha-estate.com
57 Ioannou Metaxa Street 194 41 KOROPI-ATTICA Telephone 210 664.1420 Email papastefani@theon.com Site www.theon.com
Professional Services 10-12 Kifissias Avenue 151 25 MAROUSSI Telephone 210 688.6516 Email corporate@thriveglobal.gr Site www.thriveglobal.gr
Vineyard-Winery Epanomi 575 00 THESSALONIKI Telephone 23920 44.567 Fax 23920 44.560 Email ktima@gerovassiliou.gr Site www.gerovassiliou.gr